Thursday, June 11, 2015

Leftover chicken stuffed zucchinis

 I love the end of May / beginning of June, as it's the time of the year where my local Farmer's market starts to carry a good choice of vegetables. Last Saturday, I was happy to find my first round zucchinis of 2015. I knew it was time to make some stuffed zucchinis.In France, traditionally, people make stuffed vegetables with whatever meat leftovers they've got around. We roasted a chicken last week and we didn't eat it all yet, hence this recipe.

Ingredients (for 2 people)
  • 2 small round zucchini
  • About 2 cups of leftover chicken
  • 1 onion (I like the red ones the best)
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1/2 cup fresh basil
  •  A pinch of ground cumin
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  1. Cut the top edge of each zucchini 
  2. Using a spoon, empty each zucchini, leaving around 1/2 inch of flesh around
  3. Cut the zucchini flesh from above, as well as the meat, onion and garlic in small pieces
  4. Mix in the basil, cumin, salt and pepper
  5. Fill the zucchinis
  6. Drizzle with Olive oil
  7. Bake at 400˚F / 200˚C for 45 minutes
  8. Enjoy!
This recipe can accommodate any kind of leftover meat. For a vegetarian option, you can substitute cooked rice or any grain of your liking.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Cette recette me ramene a mon enfance! On faisait souvent des courgettes farcies a la viande hachee!! Ou bien des choux farcis surtout la periode du Ramadan!
    Est-ce que le basilic ne devient pas tout noir apres 45 min au four? Merci pour la recette!!

    1. Moi aussi ca me rappelle mon enfance : ma grand-mere faisait souvent des farcis avec les restes de la veille. En fait, quand le basilic est mixe dans la farce, il garde sa couleur. Si tu fermes les courgettes avec leur chapeau, ca reste bien hydrate et ca suffit pour que le basilic ne tourne pas noir.
